- Artists
- Carlo Bianchi
Carlo Bianchi (1926-2022) was an architect, entrepreneur and lake painter.
In Milan, his hometown, he attended the Polytechnic and the faculty of architecture. There he studied with Gae Aulenti (1927-2012) and was taught by Gio Ponti (1891-1979) and Luigi Caccia Dominioni (1913-2016). These personalities "redesigned" many Italian cities, leaving a mark on Carlo Bianchi's artistic education. Alongside his architectctural studies, he also devoted himself to painting. Carlo Bianchi later joined his father Geremia, in Turin, in the family building business, which at that time was building the highway network, and after his father's premature death, he inherited the business. However, he continued to draw and paint at the same time. In the 1950s and 1960s he designed household furniture, experimented with animation drawing and made films in 16mm. His landscapes are constructed with rigor: roofs, houses, glimpses of sky and water, rendered in pure geometric forms that are rooted in tradition of abstract artists from Como such as of Mario Radice (1898-1987), Aldo Galli (1906-1981 ), Carla Badiali (1907-1992) and Carla Prina (1911-2008), but are also tempered by a dreamlike realism, very close to the landscapes of Salvo (1947-2015).
Bianchi also spent the last years of his life drawing without ceasing: the lake gave way to new imaginary creatures with improbable and fantastic shapes, always characterized by a confident stroke and a lively palette.
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